
I love sleep and laugh. 😀

66 thoughts on “About

  1. Lovely about.Thank you for following my weblog.Best wishes.jal

      • ah… long ago I lived for 6 months on Lombok, and I could speak quite well. Now I think I can say only this: Saya tida bisa berbijara bahasa indonesia sekarang karna saya suda lupa terlalu banyak kata2… But it gives me pleasure to have these new connections to Indonesia, from time to time. Saya senung sekali!

  2. Hey, thank you for visiting and liking my post ^_^
    by the way, Jawa Barat di bagian mana nih mbak sekarang? ^^

      • haha, Bandung kan?
        *hasil kepo kepo dikit dari salah satu postnya =P*

        soto mie selalu bikin laper dan mau mau lagi =P

      • siang-siang juga enak mbak,, apalagi yang ASEMMM..
        tambahin cuka, tambahin jeruk nipis,, aw aw aw *ngiler*

        betewe, postingannya in english semua ya mba =D
        *lagi belajar =D

      • hahaha, iya. soalnya postingan aku suka ga penting isinya mbak, biar brasa keren gitu. Lagian mau posting makanan keren-keren ga punya duit, ya udah deh nulis hal2 yg dikisaran gopean ampe gocengan aja deh. Hidupku terlalu biasa aja untuk ukuran orang Indonesia. Hahaha

  3. Hi! Thanks for stopping by at Pete’s Pots. Lovely blog you’ve got here, so nice to read about what’s happening on the far side of the world, especially food things & gardening things. best of luck with the engineering course – I have a maths background.

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